Financial Journal

Scientific periodical  ISSN 2075-1990.

Mass media registration certificate No. FS77-52134 of December 11, 2012

Editor in Chief – Head of Financial Research Institute, PhD (Economics) Vladimir S. Nazarov.

Founder and Publisher: Federal State Budgetary Institution  Financial Research Institute.

The Journal is included in the Russian Science Citation Index.

Articles are available in open access mode at and

The edition was issued under the title “Budget and Treasury Academy of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Financial journal” from 2009 till 2011. The title was changed to “State University of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Financial journal” in 2012.  The Journal has been issued under the title “Financial Research Institute. Financial journal” since 2013.

Subject publications. The Journal publishes materials on the problems of development and implementation of financial policies of Russia (fiscal, monetary, fiscal), as well as on the financial markets, insurance, banking, accounting, financial control, statistics, macroeconomics, global economy, economic theory.

The Journal is being published 6 times a year since 2015 (February, April, June, August, October, December).

Editorial Office Address:
Nastasyinsky per., 3 str. 2, Moscow 127006, Russian Federation
Phone: + 7(495) 6997683


New issue of the Financial Journal

fm 2017 2 oblogka